So this year I got to march at Boston Pride for the second time in my life. The first year I ever marched, I went with an employer group. This year I marched with the New England Leather Alliance (NELA) who went sandwiched between Machine and the Ramrod two well-known nightspots. Believe me, I felt thrilled to represent for the beautiful, leather people. The Kink and LGBTQ communities share members. So I just did my part as a straight, cisgender ally. LGBTQ folks have always been friends and family to me. I stuck two Pride flags in my dreads and wore my finest black leather for the event.
It rained on Saturday, June 12th, but people still turned out en masse for the parade. Monsoon heavy rain fell at times. Watchers choked the street along Tremont at some points and along the final stretch from Park Street leading to City Hall Plaza. I found a new use for my 8"x 11" Pride flag. As I held up one end of the NELA banner, I used my Pride flag to wave the crowds back. Directly behind me and my fellow banner-holders, a group of hunky leathermen held aloft a NELA flag.

So if you don't want to take my word for how fabulous Pride was. Take a gander at this slideshow by a kind soul named Bill. You'll see me in my leather with the rest of the NELA crew.
A writer friend of mine often mentally takes her characters along with her on excursions.
As I marched, I imagined a contingent of my LGBTQ characters trotting alongside me at Boston Pride or cheering from the sidelines. First up would be Gypsy, the gay, Negro hero of my dark fantasy novel. Gypsy would cut quite a figure with his suede suit, his pierced ear, and his satyr-headed cane. Back in his day, where Boston City Hall now stands would have been Brattle and Cornhill streets. The once-infamous Scollay Square would have faced Pride Festival and beckoned revelers inside to catch minstrels shows and other vaudeville acts. Gypsy stares around himself bewildered by the changes to the city he knew but at the sight of a lesbian family, an elderly gay couple, and the drag queens towering upon their platform heels would restore the grin to his dark face once again.
An African, albino, intersexed person who currently goes by the name Fielding would be the next of my creations to find his/herself swept up in the parade. Fielding hails from an alternate Boston called New Shawmut. Fielding would furrow his/her pale brow at the goings on. Fielding would be concerned about the five pony persons in the NELA contingent who brave the rain to pull male and female trainers along in carts. I'd assure him that the pony persons do so willingly. Everyone marches at Pride because they want to celebrate.
Finally, a lioness-headed and female dog-headed couple gesture Fielding over to their Pride accessory stand. This would be Qaset and Tsemweret who hailed originally from a very sunny land called Ta Netjeret. They load the albino intersexed person with rainbow beads and wrap him up in feather boas until Fielding breaks down under the weight of so much mirth and good cheer and smiles.
Yup. Yup. Yup. Those are some of my LGBT peeps. I march for them just as much as I march for their readers. Happy Pride everyone!
Her Tangh-i-Ness