Sunday, September 26, 2021

Book Review: Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3 Second World

Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3 Second World by Brendan Kane

'Lo People,

Her Tangh-i-ness does not review books unless the writer's message appeals to her. Kindles, I must say, are a Book Hoarder's nightmare. They take you straight down the path of book addiction, but that is another topic altogether. Anyhoo, Her Tangh-i-ness read this book and now she has funny thoughts that Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3 Second World will help other writers she knows.

Writers are you listening? Actually, any Creatives in the house can take away Hook Point's actionable strategies. Her Tangh-i-ness believes as the book suggests "Think big." Up the Ante people. I have a feeling that Brendan Kane is a believer in the 100th monkey effect. There will be this explosion of writers building loyal followings because they have come up with their own interpretations of the techniques outlined in Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3 Second World.

But first I have some disturbing news for Writers/Creatives about the book.

Even Writing or Creating can be a business.

Gasp. Her Tangh-i-ness is a Creative and a Writer. I can't possibly be about business at the same time.

Her Tangh-i-ness will now launch into an imaginary conversation with Brendan Kane using quotes from the book.

Brendan Kane: "You provide your value by letting other people experience it."

Her Tangh-i-ness says: I must be ahead of the curve then. I'm priceless.

Brendan Kane: "You can't ask for money right away; you need to provide value first."

Her Tangh-i-ness says: But I'm priceless.

Brendan Kane: "Remember, the more value you give, the more value you get."

Her Tangh-i-ness: You know I'm priceless, right?

Brendan Kane throws up his hands and walks away.

Her Tangh-i-ness: There, I just proved my message.

PS. If you actually read the book you'll understand what that little exchange was about.

Note: Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3 Second World was a self-purchased digital title. Her Tangh-i-ness usually reviews on a for-the-love basis. No lucre has been involved.